“It was intense, but I really felt prepared, calm and confident!”
Hi Kat, Just to let you know that our hypno-baby arrived last Sunday – also known as Alice. Another happy homebirth, which her big brother slept through in the room next door. She’s lovely, and…
Read MoreI honestly believe giving birth is the most empowering thing I have ever done.
I write with exciting news of the safe arrival on 13 March of our baby girl, Jemima. Coincidentally, when we got home from the hospital your postcards were waiting for us. It may sound corny…
Read More“Happy if we contribute to help couples to not be scared of a c-section and stick to their guns decision wise. “
Hi Katrina, How are you? A little email to let you know that we had our baby girl Eva on Thursday 21st February at 10.01am! She decided to come early at 39weeks + 1 day.…
Read More“I knew that my body was birthing my baby and I just needed to work with it and accommodate what it needed to do”
Max’s Birth Story- 19th August 2018 On the morning of Saturday 18th August Erica, my midwife, came to visit us. I was 10 days post due date and the anxiety around induction and the tough…
Read More“hypnobirthing helped us realise that you can use your mind to take yourself to a place of safety and security regardless of where you are”
Dear Kat Our dimple-cheeked boy was born hollering in the early hours of 24 June at 42 weeks. I felt his head as he emerged, covered in thick fuzzy hair, and soon afterwards he was…
Read More“I really couldn’t believe that it was all going so well and smoothly, and that we might actually be going to have the baby at home!”
Dear Kat I’ve been meaning to write and say thank you so much for your session with us back in the Spring, and to tell you that all went well with the birth of F,…
Read More“things were so intense and fast, but curiously I started to sing a series of long notes”
Hi Kat, Sorry this has taken so long to write, I wanted to make sure I could do it justice and having three kids doesn’t really allow for much down time! This is so long…
Read MoreHi Kat I hope all is well with you. Just to let you know that our little (well 9lbs!) Eloise was born in October. Thanks to our hypnobirthing refresher and most of our last experience,…
Read More“Your course really changed our birthing experience as we had the tools to make choices that resulted in a calm labour with minimal intervention.”
Hi Katrina, This is a very delayed email to not only inform you that our daughter Emily was born, but also to thank you. Your hypnobirthing course had a massive impact on our birth experience…
Read More“the experience was animal and amazing – I went into my own little zone and my body took over.”
Dear Kat, Noah Bruno was born on 30 September 2017 at 00.50. He’s happy, healthy and feeding well. We cannot thank you enough for all your help – which made such an enormous difference both…
Read More“The hardest part for me was not knowing how long the birth was going to be.”
Our baby RenKai Bishop was born on the 28th of August and weighs a healthy 7lbs 5oz. His birth was rather unexpected, as he came at 37+4 weeks! We only just about got a bag…
Read More“I do believe that because I stayed calm so did the baby!”
We ended up just a few days overdue. Ford Charles born Aug 13th weighing 6lbs13. I had a bit of a stop/start labour. I went into labour naturally on the 11th but it stopped around…
Read More“if we hadn’t done the hypnobirthing course we might not have been so confident to champion our own preferences”
Hi all, hope you’re very well.Just wanted to let you know about the arrival of our son, James Rudy, on 15th September, 7lb 7oz. It wasn’t quite the birth we were planning. He remained stubbornly…
Read More“hypnobirthing gave us the mind set that change of plan was ok and that together we could get through it.”
Hi Kat, been a busy few weeks our end… I was hospitalised with poorly kidneys on bank holiday… It was the baby squashing my kidneys and causing me morphine-worthy pain and significant weight loss…wasn’t even…
Read More“I am fascinated by how everything worked out and how hypnobirthing techniques and philosophy actually work and why traditional birthing doesn’t!”
I’m extremely happy that we joined your class and so is Vladimir who kept calling me a ‘hero’ – hahaha. If you want, I can try typing up our birth story: first half = how…
Read More“I feel it would have been nearly impossible to navigate through hospital policy and to give Sebastian his extra two and a bit weeks of time in the womb without having taken your course and we are incredibly grateful for that!”
I can’t wait to share this full story with you. Kat and i were in contact whilst she was negotiating her care in the last days and weeks of pregnancy and her experience has already…
Read More“How I hypno-birthed the fuck out of a c-section”
“My first labour was, in hindsight, relatively easy. It hurt, it took me to places I didn’t know existed, and it produced my beautiful baby boy. It was relatively quick, 18 hours from first twinge…
Read More“the whole hypno course, which I thought had gone 100% to waste by this point had in fact been invaluable.”
Hi Kat So here it is! The baby email! A bit late but its been quite the ride! Last Friday morning Patti gave birth to a bouncing baby boy! (still need to pick a name)…
Read More“I know hypnobirthing is something I’m going to be forever grateful I did”
Hey Kat We wanted to drop you a note to introduce you to Enzo Jack. Born Thursday 7th July at 6.58am, weighing in at a health 8lb 8oz. After the induction gel, that we had…
Read More“Great news is that Evelyn arrived in the world exactly as we’d hoped, she did everything right”
We are delighted to introduce baby Evelyn to you, who was born on Sunday evening. The hypnobirthing practice was worth it’s weight in gold so massive thanks to Kat for that! We had a natural…
Read More“Guess what, as soon as I found out I was in labour, I switched off my ‘thinking brain’ and ended up having Byron naturally, with no pain relief, not even gas and air – just breathing techniques and visualisations!!”
Hi Kat We’re all very well thank you! Byron is such a sweet, serious little thing and I’m soaking up every precious newborn moment with him – even the sleep-deprived ones! Speaking of sleeplessness, every…
Read MoreDear Kat, I hope all is well with you? Sam is 7 weeks old today and totally adorable. I found all the birth stories on your website really helpful so thought it would be good…
Read More“I feel proud and strong, makes me want to have more and more.”
Hope you’re well, Ralph is now home doing very well, he’s putting on weight well, no surprise really as he’s a hungry baby, annoyingly he’s on mixed feeds still as they had to top him up…
Read More“After a very tough first stage I suddenly felt full of energy and confidence for the second stage”
Tilda Nell arrived on July 10th after a long labour. She had been ready to come for some time prior to this; around two weeks before labour started my midwife was amazed how low she…
Read More“The hypnobirthing course made a huge difference for us.”
Our little girl, Zara, is now 7 weeks old, so everything is still very new for us. The hypnobirthing course made a huge difference for us. We planned to have a home birth (which i dont…
Read More“The path to Blake’s birth had many twists and turns but we were able to stay positive, calm and excited because of our faith and trust in my body & our baby”
Hi kat We had another wee boy! A hat trick of gorgeous Honan boys! We are complete! He is called Blake and he arrived early this morning. It was an amazingly swift and calm birth…
Read More“hypnobirthing techniques I used in the last 3 months of my pregnancy has contributed to Joseph’s beautifully calm nature.”
Dear Kat, I hope you are well. Charlie and me are delighted to be able to tell you that we had a beautiful baby boy on Friday 12 December weighing 7lb and 9oz. Having moved…
Read More“I was so pleased to have been able to stick with what I wanted – and that was entirely thanks to your excellent classes.”
Thank you so much for all your hypnobirthing help. It was invaluable. Labour ended up being very long – 24 hours of contractions every 20 – 10 mins at home, then once we got to…
Read More“I feel so happy that I managed to have such a great birth.”
Hey Katrina! Hope all is well. Just wanted to update you on our birth. We couldn’t have a home birth in the end as the local hospital to me wasn’t the one I wanted to…
Read MoreHi Kat, Sorry for not emailing sooner – it’s amazing how little I manage to achieve each day! Anyway, we’re thrilled to tell you that Nancy Jane Aspinall finally made her appearance on 2 July.…
Read MoreHypnoBirthing is a complete antenatal course. Not only does it help a woman grow in trust and confidence in her body’s ability to birth but it also provides the backbone for a couple to feel…
Read More“I’m content with the way everything turned out – we put up a good fight but eventually knew when to go with the flow”
So here’s our full birth story Kat – it’s quite long! But before I start, I wanted to say thank you for everything. Whenever people ask me to explain hypnobirthing, I say that it’s far…
Read More“Barbara listened every day to your affirmation talks and it helped her getting through it all like a seasoned pro”
Hey Kat Finally I find the time to tell you about our amazing news! Our daughter Rona was born on the 28th of April, one week later than due date.. ( but we know how that…
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