Come meet the #BornTogether crew @thewellgardenhackney August 23rd. Free taster sessions, advice and support. Something for everyone! #hackney #hypnobirthing #reflexology #acupuncture #doulas #nutrition #fitness #homeopathy #pregnancy #birth #fertility
Read MoreMaking home made baby cards. Because life IS that short! #hypnobirthing #hackney #mindfulness
Read MoreYou always have a choice how you view things. Sometimes it’s a matter of perspective… #nofilters #hackney #sundaymorning #positive #hypnobirthing #choosewell
Read MoreWeekend HypnoBirthing sessions means we can the most of being outdoors too! Love it @thewellgardenhackney #hackney #Hackneydownsstudios #hypnobirthing #sunnydays
Read More“It was more intense than I could have imagined but, I felt confident and informed and in control.”
I would like to introduce you to Iris Kathleen – born 25th June. Time has been flying by these past couple of weeks. Tom and I couldn’t be more in love with her. The labor…
Read More“The path to Blake’s birth had many twists and turns but we were able to stay positive, calm and excited because of our faith and trust in my body & our baby”
Hi kat We had another wee boy! A hat trick of gorgeous Honan boys! We are complete! He is called Blake and he arrived early this morning. It was an amazingly swift and calm birth…
Read MoreThe babies that birthed a doula
My journey to becoming a vociferous advocate for calm, confident, informed birthing is perhaps surprising. I gained a first class degree from the University of Manchester in Business and Media Studies having been convinced since…
Read MoreNew badges have arrived… Spread the positive vibes! #summercolours #hackney #hypnobirthing
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