Introducing baby Nathan! He arrived last night about 6.15pm weighing in at 8lbs, 2oz. He is a little joy. It was an incredible day and fell on our wedding anniversary! In brief I used my…
Read More“I believe hynobirthing prepared me to cope with the unexpected by equipping me with information and confidence and connecting me to my body.”
“I’d like to share with you the story of N’s birth. My husband D and I met fairly late on in life – nothing quite pans out the way you think it will when you…
Read MoreHi Kat Hope all’s really well with you. I just wanted to let you know that Kit Alexander Watson was born last Monday morning (30th April) – a healthy 8lbs 3. I also wanted to…
Read MoreMy husband and I very much enjoyed our hypnobirthing class. It helped us take a better informed, more balanced and positive outlook to birthing our baby. The relaxation exercises are really good and will probably…
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