We had the most extraordinary birth!!! After dinner on the Saturday night we sat down to watch a movie and at some point I realised I was having a surge every 10 minutes or so.…
Read More“We weren’t planning a home birth, we were due at the birth centre at the Whittington but there was just no time to get there”
Hello Kat, Happy new year! I just read an email newsletter from you and it reminded me that I wanted to pass onto you news of our second baby, Willow Helena, born on 6 November.…
Read MoreJust wanted to say thank you again for your support this year. I passed my viva last month, and it went calmly and smoothly – very pleasing. And then on Monday we had our second…
Read More“Both me and my partner remember the birth as one of the best days of our lives.”
Dear Kat I always enjoy reading your emails and this morning’s reminded me that I had forgotten to thank you for the amazing help you gave us. You were kind enough to offer me a half…
Read More“We are so grateful to Kat for giving us the tools to remain calm and confidence to have our daughter at home.”
Initially I wanted to give birth in a birth centre but the more I read about hospitals / the medicalisation of birth the more uneasy I became. I read a bit about home birthing and…
Read More“I managed to hop into the pool that was only just ready for the 2 pushes that it took for her to ‘fire out like a torpedo into the water and create a wave’”
I just wanted to let you know that we had another little lady on 15th August weighing 8lbs 3oz 😊 I’ve been meaning to message you. We’ve named her Zefiryne (Zefi for short). She was…
Read More“It was very special for baby to be born at home and without any intervention at all.”
Hi Kat, I hope that you’re well. I wanted to let you know that our baby boy, Sebastian, arrived on Friday 5th October at 10pm. We’re both doing well, although still a bit shocked about…
Read More“I knew that my body was birthing my baby and I just needed to work with it and accommodate what it needed to do”
Max’s Birth Story- 19th August 2018 On the morning of Saturday 18th August Erica, my midwife, came to visit us. I was 10 days post due date and the anxiety around induction and the tough…
Read More“I really couldn’t believe that it was all going so well and smoothly, and that we might actually be going to have the baby at home!”
Dear Kat I’ve been meaning to write and say thank you so much for your session with us back in the Spring, and to tell you that all went well with the birth of F,…
Read More“things were so intense and fast, but curiously I started to sing a series of long notes”
Hi Kat, Sorry this has taken so long to write, I wanted to make sure I could do it justice and having three kids doesn’t really allow for much down time! This is so long…
Read MoreI saw off the “advanced maternal age” brigade
Hey Kat I thought you’d like to know that our sweet baby Maia arrived on 15 May. At home. Four hour labour. Felt fantastic. Right on 42 weeks so I saw off the “advanced maternal…
Read More“The midwives kept saying, “oh yeah, the 3rd ones – they are different!“ and they were right.”
And now he’s here! 9 days later than expected – I always thought 3rd babies wouldn’t be later than the previous ones – but little Elias Bodhi proved us wrong. The midwives kept saying, “oh…
Read More“Doing hypnobirthing changed our feelings about birth, giving us confidence, excitement and strength we otherwise wouldn’t have had.”
It was so great to see one of “my” dads float in to the hypnobirthing class this week having been for dinner with his sister (I recently taught her hypnobirthing too!) the night before. She managed…
Read More“ I learnt that women who have given birth are bloody amazing and wondrously powerful creatures – I still can’t quite believe that I am now one of them.”
Hi Kat Here she is, Camille Jean Clemoes, in all her wonderful, squidgy glory 🙂 Camille joined us on planet earth on Wednesday 28th December, 11:52am and weighing 6lbs15oz. Now for the really interesting bit…
Read More“if you spend your day feeling like you can have a giggle when you’re having a baby then you’re probably doing okay…”
Hypno-birthing didn’t just change everything for us as a couple, it changed everything for me when it came to being a birth partner. I think that’s really worth stressing because the impact on the partner isn’t…
Read More“The whole adventure left me deeply humbled and flooded with love. A staggering feat of strength and bravery.”
Hi Kat, Our son, Marlow, was born at home on Monday 24th October. Ellie asked me to share our story. Ellie woke in the small hours of Monday morning with feelings more intense than previous…
Read More“we both felt really prepared and relaxed for the journey and when things started we were excited and not scared at all.”
Thank you so much to Rich and Rebecca for sharing their amazing first birth story with us. Although it was an unplanned ‘free birth’ Rebecca is keen that it doesn’t “scare any home birthers into NOT having…
Read More“One more roar, and I felt the baby slither out”
Massive thanks to Chi for such an open, honest and frank account of birthing her first child at home earlier this month…. I’m reminded again of the gratitude I feel to you all for sharing your…
Read More“Guess what, as soon as I found out I was in labour, I switched off my ‘thinking brain’ and ended up having Byron naturally, with no pain relief, not even gas and air – just breathing techniques and visualisations!!”
Hi Kat We’re all very well thank you! Byron is such a sweet, serious little thing and I’m soaking up every precious newborn moment with him – even the sleep-deprived ones! Speaking of sleeplessness, every…
Read More“It really was a dream being at home and just letting the time flow naturally. “
On Saturday night, we welcomed another little girl into the family! Everything was very similar to Mira’s birth, except this one was born between the toaster and the magi-mix at home! Another dream labour!! I…
Read More“It was incredible and she came out as the sun rose in the front of the fire in our living room. More than I could have hoped for.”
Hi Katrina,You provided some private ‘last minute’ hypnobirthing sessions for myself and partner Paulo back in November & I just wanted to let you know that our beautiful daughter was born on her due date…
Read More“I am overawed at the intensity of the birthing experience”
Hello Kat! Just to let you know that we moved 2 weeks ago and Baby Delaney part 2 arrived on Saturday midday. The midwives were very relaxed about arranging the home birth for us. I…
Read More“I’m so glad we had faith in the birth we’d hoped for.”
Hi Kat, Good news…baby Marlowe Faith arrived at home at 00:55am on Saturday 12th September, weighing 3.89kgs. After keeping us waiting for so long she still managed to take us by surprise and Trent had…
Read More“…he slipped out and I scooped him out of the water and brought him to my chest.”
“On Monday night at about 8pm my waters broke (11 days to due date). I had felt very ready so wasn’t terribly surprised. I called Neil and asked him to come home. By the time…
Read More“it really felt like my body just took over and all I had to do was just allow it to happen”
Hi Katrina, We are delighted to let you know that our baby daughter Nina was born on 25th February. She was born at home, as we had wished. I had very long early labour, it…
Read More“We thought you might like to see some pics of our little boy Baxter who was born a week ago. He was born at home on our bed, the picture of Justin holding him was taken not…
Read More“I overheard them saying one to the other… don’t disturb her, she looks like she is just listening to her body, she is doing great!”
Hey Katrina, Just a quick note that our little one has joined us on the 29th at 3:30AM. He is big (4.12kg) and is healthy, happy and absolutely gorgeous. We are totally in love…
Read More“Brian sat with me in the loo and we sang the Beatles “All You Need Is Love” for a while. Definitely a high point!!”
You are right it is difficult to talk about a lovely birth experience with people who have not had things go according to plan. Maybe that is why there are so many negative stories being…
Read MoreHi all We wanted to let you all know that the not so little Reggie James Colley arrived into the world rather abruptly at 1.55pm on Tuesday 24th June weighing 9lb 7oz. We managed to…
Read More“It was undoubtedly the MOST AMAZING MOMENT OF MY LIFE”
I’d been having strong ‘Braxton Hicks’ for 2 weeks, and despite our midwife telling us labour probably wouldn’t start for another few weeks as this was our first baby, I knew he was on the…
Read MoreThe birth was amazing….. My labour & birth was 2 hours 7 minutes! She was safely & calmly born at home in the birthing pool. I caught her & we cuddled within seconds of entering…
Read MoreWelcome to the world Silas Oak! “Just to let you know our home birth was an amazing experience. It all started Thursday early evening last week. Silas Oak arrived at 2am on Friday morning. His…
Read More“The home birth experience yet again was fantastic”
We had our baby a few weeks ago on October 21st (not quite the full moon but a few days after) Uma was delivered safely at home and though the second stage was not quite…
Read MoreHuge congratulations to Ali and Crispin who welcomed their son into the world at their home last night. “I feel truly empowered and it couldnt have been more perfect.”
Read MoreWe are guilty of not writing sooner been in a blissful bubble with our new baby Evie (yes how coincidental…Evie!). We had a fantastic home birth really amazing experience. I started the surges on Sunday…
Read More“Felix is here! The best experience ever and most beautiful thing Sam and I have done together. In a nutshell, we did birth Felix at home and actually had an (unintended) undisturbed birth. Felix arrived…
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