4 week courses begin November 8th, 20th and December 6th Link in ☝🏻☝🏻bio☝🏻☝🏻for hypnobirthing bookings #getready #getinformed #getinspired #birthprep #birth #pregnancy #hypnobirthing #hackney #hackneydowns #positivebirth #hypnosis #mindfulness #whyhypnobirthingmatters #antenatal #mumtobe #takingthehippyoutofhypnobirthing
Read More4 week courses begin November 8th, 20th and December 6th Link in ☝🏻☝🏻bio☝🏻☝🏻for hypnobirthing bookings #getready #getinformed #getinspired #birthprep #birth #pregnancy #hypnobirthing #hackney #hackneydowns #positivebirth #hypnosis #mindfulness #whyhypnobirthingmatters #antenatal #mumtobe #takingthehippyoutofhypnobirthing
Read MoreI do love to be seasonal in the #hypnobirthing sessions @thewellgarden …. channel your inner wolf! 🤘🏻 Link in ☝🏻☝🏻bio☝🏻☝🏻for hypnobirthing bookings #getready #getinformed #getinspired #birthprep #birth #pregnancy #hypnobirthing #hackney #hackneydowns #positivebirth #hypnosis #mindfulness #whyhypnobirthingmatters…
Read MoreRight. I was with a couple doing a refresher session for their second baby last night when Aysha said this. All three of us were talking about how perplexed we are that more people don’t…
Read MoreYour hypnobirthing preparation begins the minute you sign up for my course @thewellgarden as you get a copy of my book “Why Hypnobirthing Matters” and some initial hypnosis recordings to start getting into the swing…
Read MoreHi Kat, Just thought I’d let you know that little Hester arrived safely on the 2nd of October by planned c section in the end. Everything has been mad and mind blowing since she arrived…
Read MoreSpending time with these gorgeous creatures and we’ve been plotting more fabulous dates for all you mommas. Pregnancy and post natal afternoon retreats that go way above and beyond coming in January, April and July.…
Read More“Your course really changed our birthing experience as we had the tools to make choices that resulted in a calm labour with minimal intervention.”
Hi Katrina, This is a very delayed email to not only inform you that our daughter Emily was born, but also to thank you. Your hypnobirthing course had a massive impact on our birth experience…
Read MoreInducing labour is often talked about in a doom and gloom way. The phrase “cascade of intervention” gets bandied about like some self fulfilling prophecy causing more anxiety and fear. Not helpful. For some, trying…
Read More“the experience was animal and amazing – I went into my own little zone and my body took over.”
Dear Kat, Noah Bruno was born on 30 September 2017 at 00.50. He’s happy, healthy and feeding well. We cannot thank you enough for all your help – which made such an enormous difference both…
Read More“The hardest part for me was not knowing how long the birth was going to be.”
Our baby RenKai Bishop was born on the 28th of August and weighs a healthy 7lbs 5oz. His birth was rather unexpected, as he came at 37+4 weeks! We only just about got a bag…
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