“Not only has your course given us a more calm and confident pregnancy and birth, but a pretty calm baby too!”
I wanted to drop you a line to introduce you to Cecilia who arrived in the world safe and well four weeks ago today at UCLH. Now that we’ve got (a bit!) into the swing…
Read More“We weren’t planning a home birth, we were due at the birth centre at the Whittington but there was just no time to get there”
Hello Kat, Happy new year! I just read an email newsletter from you and it reminded me that I wanted to pass onto you news of our second baby, Willow Helena, born on 6 November.…
Read More“None of the changes to the plan phased me and I think that is a credit to the groundedness you helped instill.”
A big belated thank you for your advice on sweeps. Freya was born on the full moon of Tuesday 16th (3.825kg, 53cm). Though 12 days past her due date she zoomed out when she decided…
Read More“It was intense, but I really felt prepared, calm and confident!”
Hi Kat, Just to let you know that our hypno-baby arrived last Sunday – also known as Alice. Another happy homebirth, which her big brother slept through in the room next door. She’s lovely, and…
Read MoreCelebrating fathers
God I love “my” hypnobirthing dads…. When I get riled up about the patriarchal system squashing feminine power and how that has affected women’s ability to birth and belief in themselves; I remember “my” dads and how…
Read More“hypnobirthing helped us realise that you can use your mind to take yourself to a place of safety and security regardless of where you are”
Dear Kat Our dimple-cheeked boy was born hollering in the early hours of 24 June at 42 weeks. I felt his head as he emerged, covered in thick fuzzy hair, and soon afterwards he was…
Read More“It really felt like for me like I was very involved in our baby’s birth”
Hi Kat, We’ve been meaning to get in touch since our daughter was born four weeks ago. Her name is Leonie Rosa Grace and she is the most wonderful, delicious little thing. First of all,…
Read More“Birthing him was such a magical experience”
Hi Kat, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to say first of all thank you for all the resources and support you shared with me in regards to the GBS concern. It…
Read More“hypnobirthing helped me stay relaxed and in tune with my body for the delivery of my wonderful baby”
Dear Kat, I hope you are well. Just wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know that my baby boy showed up a little earlier than expected, exactly a week ago today…
Read More“I really couldn’t believe that it was all going so well and smoothly, and that we might actually be going to have the baby at home!”
Dear Kat I’ve been meaning to write and say thank you so much for your session with us back in the Spring, and to tell you that all went well with the birth of F,…
Read More“things were so intense and fast, but curiously I started to sing a series of long notes”
Hi Kat, Sorry this has taken so long to write, I wanted to make sure I could do it justice and having three kids doesn’t really allow for much down time! This is so long…
Read MoreI saw off the “advanced maternal age” brigade
Hey Kat I thought you’d like to know that our sweet baby Maia arrived on 15 May. At home. Four hour labour. Felt fantastic. Right on 42 weeks so I saw off the “advanced maternal…
Read More“Tell them that they really can choose their own experience – no matter what happens around them”
Hi Kat, Just to let you know that we won’t be able to attend the class tomorrow night as baby had other ideas! He was born at 10pm in Friday June 8th. He’s small at…
Read More“The midwives kept saying, “oh yeah, the 3rd ones – they are different!“ and they were right.”
And now he’s here! 9 days later than expected – I always thought 3rd babies wouldn’t be later than the previous ones – but little Elias Bodhi proved us wrong. The midwives kept saying, “oh…
Read More“It was truly the best birth we could have hoped for, and scooping our son out of the water, into my arms, was a remarkable experience.“
Dear Kat,We were surprised by the early arrival of a baby boy on 4 March – born at 38 weeks and 2 days, and weighing in at 7lb.He was born into the water at the…
Read More“I wouldn’t actually change any of it as it’s been such a journey… I feel I can do anything now.”
I was convinced he’d arrive early but maybe not quite as early as he did (5 weeks), I’d put bets on the blue moon. On the Friday (waters broke on the Sunday) I came home…
Read More“Thanks to hypnobirthing, we were able to go with the flow and confidently make new decisions as we went along.”
Hey Kat! THANK YOU! Our baby boy decide to break my waters five weeks early, and I ended up being induced at UCLH after experiencing zilch contractions for a good few days afterwards. (The original…
Read MoreI share my top 5 tips for birth preparation with Birth Stories Podcast
I share my top 5 tips for birth preparation with Birth Stories Podcast Wrap your ears round this new podcast where I share my top 5 tips for preparing for birth. I’ve been on the…
Read MoreHi Kat I hope all is well with you. Just to let you know that our little (well 9lbs!) Eloise was born in October. Thanks to our hypnobirthing refresher and most of our last experience,…
Read More“Doing hypnobirthing changed our feelings about birth, giving us confidence, excitement and strength we otherwise wouldn’t have had.”
It was so great to see one of “my” dads float in to the hypnobirthing class this week having been for dinner with his sister (I recently taught her hypnobirthing too!) the night before. She managed…
Read MoreHi Kat, Just thought I’d let you know that little Hester arrived safely on the 2nd of October by planned c section in the end. Everything has been mad and mind blowing since she arrived…
Read More“Your course really changed our birthing experience as we had the tools to make choices that resulted in a calm labour with minimal intervention.”
Hi Katrina, This is a very delayed email to not only inform you that our daughter Emily was born, but also to thank you. Your hypnobirthing course had a massive impact on our birth experience…
Read More“the experience was animal and amazing – I went into my own little zone and my body took over.”
Dear Kat, Noah Bruno was born on 30 September 2017 at 00.50. He’s happy, healthy and feeding well. We cannot thank you enough for all your help – which made such an enormous difference both…
Read More“The hardest part for me was not knowing how long the birth was going to be.”
Our baby RenKai Bishop was born on the 28th of August and weighs a healthy 7lbs 5oz. His birth was rather unexpected, as he came at 37+4 weeks! We only just about got a bag…
Read More“the mindset and the focus we were taught was all we needed to get through the most intense bodily experience (and amazing, and cool and out of this world) 2 hours and 48 min of my life.”
Hi Kat, Hope you are well! I thought I’d appropriately enough share our birth story with you on what would have been our due date. We now have a son, whom we’ve named Leo, who…
Read More“I do believe that because I stayed calm so did the baby!”
We ended up just a few days overdue. Ford Charles born Aug 13th weighing 6lbs13. I had a bit of a stop/start labour. I went into labour naturally on the 11th but it stopped around…
Read More“if we hadn’t done the hypnobirthing course we might not have been so confident to champion our own preferences”
Hi all, hope you’re very well.Just wanted to let you know about the arrival of our son, James Rudy, on 15th September, 7lb 7oz. It wasn’t quite the birth we were planning. He remained stubbornly…
Read MoreThough it was definitely intense (!), I’m quite pleased I experienced a natural birth and am sure the preparation we did with you played a big part.
Hi Kat, I hope you had a great summer! Just wanted to let you know that baby Jack arrived on 25th July and I’ve attached a few photos of us in hospital and of…
Read More“hypnobirthing gave us the mind set that change of plan was ok and that together we could get through it.”
Hi Kat, been a busy few weeks our end… I was hospitalised with poorly kidneys on bank holiday… It was the baby squashing my kidneys and causing me morphine-worthy pain and significant weight loss…wasn’t even…
Read More“100% agree it was better not to be told about size!”
Little Lola arrived 2 weeks ago and we’re all smitten. Actually, she wasn’t so little at 4.6kg…but we managed a water birth. Not sure I would have tried had I known I was carrying a…
Read More“I am fascinated by how everything worked out and how hypnobirthing techniques and philosophy actually work and why traditional birthing doesn’t!”
I’m extremely happy that we joined your class and so is Vladimir who kept calling me a ‘hero’ – hahaha. If you want, I can try typing up our birth story: first half = how…
Read More“we learnt so much and I was really pleased that the classes didn’t just focus on natural births so that I was prepared when we had to go to hospital.”
Thanks so much for your help in preparing us for the birth of our daughter Clover, who we got the pleasure of finally meeting on 20th April. As you so rightly said in the classes…
Read More“I’d wholeheartedly recommend hypnobirthing to all pregnant women and their partners, no matter what sort of labour you have”
Throughout my pregnancy I was fortunate enough to feel fit and well. I practiced yoga at Hackney Forge, a lovely little studio by Victoria Park, and swam lots in the Olympic pool, even more so…
Read More“I would agree with descriptions of birth as intense and not really painful so that was a relief!”
Hi Kat Not sure if you remember me but apologies for the lateness of this, been pretty busy lately with baby and moving to Bristol! Just a quick note to say thanks so much for…
Read More“I feel proud of myself for keeping calm, grounded and positive during the five days at home”
Freddie turned up on the 29th March, 4 days after my “guess date” after five days of labour! I remember telling you I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep going through labour…
Read MoreAfter 27 hours and no sleep the night before, everyone was commenting with surprise how normal I looked straight after labour. I just kept saying it’s because this is normal and I feel amazing!
Hi Kat, Just wanted to drop you a note to say our baby arrived yesterday (40+6)! I have so much to thank you for and know that so many of the learnings from your course…
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