“It really felt like for me like I was very involved in our baby’s birth”
Hi Kat, We’ve been meaning to get in touch since our daughter was born four weeks ago. Her name is Leonie Rosa Grace and she is the most wonderful, delicious little thing. First of all,…
Read More“Birthing him was such a magical experience”
Hi Kat, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to say first of all thank you for all the resources and support you shared with me in regards to the GBS concern. It…
Read More“hypnobirthing helped me stay relaxed and in tune with my body for the delivery of my wonderful baby”
Dear Kat, I hope you are well. Just wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know that my baby boy showed up a little earlier than expected, exactly a week ago today…
Read More“I really couldn’t believe that it was all going so well and smoothly, and that we might actually be going to have the baby at home!”
Dear Kat I’ve been meaning to write and say thank you so much for your session with us back in the Spring, and to tell you that all went well with the birth of F,…
Read More“Tell them that they really can choose their own experience – no matter what happens around them”
Hi Kat, Just to let you know that we won’t be able to attend the class tomorrow night as baby had other ideas! He was born at 10pm in Friday June 8th. He’s small at…
Read MoreFrederick Gustav was born yesterday 12.50pm 4.16kg. Baby is doing really well and we are over the moon 🙂 Thank you ever so much for your support! I think what you taught me really massively…
Read More“I ended up giving birth at home, unplanned and unassisted!!”
Hi Katrina, Hope all is well. Just wanted to let you know about the safe and healthy arrival of our baby boy on Friday afternoon, April 15. Mainly, I wanted to thank you for the…
Read More“I felt very present and alive during the birth. My heart was singing.”
I’m so thrilled to bring you this incredible story of courage, determination and love being brought to birth. Nicky and John were preparing for the birth of their second child and after a lot of…
Read More“I am overawed at the intensity of the birthing experience”
Hello Kat! Just to let you know that we moved 2 weeks ago and Baby Delaney part 2 arrived on Saturday midday. The midwives were very relaxed about arranging the home birth for us. I…
Read More“A huge thank you for all your advice and support which helped us achieve the birth we really wanted.”
Alex and I just wanted to let you know that Indigo Rose arrived safely on Sunday 1st at 10am 🙂 She is gorgeous and we are absolutely besotted. My waters broke just before midnight and…
Read More“I can honestly say I loved every moment.”
Welcome to the world Rupert Sebastian, born 31.08.15 at 12.45, 10.3lbs!!!! Born naturally with a few breaths of gas and air right at the very end of the 2nd stage. I can honestly say I…
Read More“It was more intense than I could have imagined but, I felt confident and informed and in control.”
I would like to introduce you to Iris Kathleen – born 25th June. Time has been flying by these past couple of weeks. Tom and I couldn’t be more in love with her. The labor…
Read MoreHi Kat, I am so happy to let you know that our little baby girl (yet to be named) arrived early Monday morning after a labour smoothed over by some good hypno-breathing. We found your…
Read MoreOur little fella, Orlando Edward Charles Stella was born 23rd April – 3.340kg & 51cm. I ended up having a planned section as one week before my due date my obstetrician realised due to my…
Read More“Having been conditioned by tv and friends’ tales I was petrified of the idea of giving birth but you refocused me to believe that it didn’t have to be the grim melodrama that everyone predicted.”
I just wanted to thank you for a great course, you totally put my mind at ease about the whole birth experience. Having been conditioned by tv and friends’ tales I was petrified of the…
Read MoreHello Kat! I am so sorry for not being in touch. It has been a very busy 5 weeks. 🙂 Elsie May Shannon arrived on 8th September at 1.51pm. Weighing 7lb 4oz We are of…
Read MoreThe most important thing to have come from the course is that my beautiful baby is calm and content.
Hiya Kat! We’ve had a baby boy! Thomas Gunn was born on 28th August, weighing a healthy 9lb, 1oz. He is absolutely beautiful and such a sweet, gentle baby. We’ve attached a pic. Obviously, we think he’s…
Read MoreHi Katrina, how are you?Our gorgeous little Alaia was born on 23rd at 9.47 in the morning weighing 3.05 kgIn the end it was by c-section 2 days before her due date, as she was…
Read MoreFlora really enjoyed the birthing stage and would do it again tomorrow if she could!
Dear Kat Lily Meroë Juckes arrived calmly on 21/7/12 at 20:44 weighing 6lb, about 11 days ahead of her due date, and after only a 4 hour labour and birthing. We arrived at the hospital,…
Read More“The information from your classes was invaluable.”
We had our baby girl, Leila Rose, on Saturday. I had to be induced at 39 weeks due to concerns over the size of the baby’s heart so things weren’t quite as planned. I managed…
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