“Birthing him was such a magical experience”

Hi Kat,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to say first of all thank you for all the resources and support you shared with me in regards to the GBS concern. It was all very helpful.

And secondly, I wanted to let you know that our son was born last week on Tuesday! 37 weeks +1 day 🙈 He is beautifully strong and healthy, and birthing him was such a magical experience. Having taken your course made all the difference in the way H and I approached this, so thank you for opening our eyes and show us the beauty of nature and instinct.

A picture of the day:

And his very proud dad the day after:

The adventure continues! I have beautifully happy days, and very challenging ones too. But trying to navigate this the best way! Keeping calm (most of the time) and trusting my maternal instinct.

A big hug from all of us,

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