Going into stasis for hyper sleep or flotation tank experience? Same ethereal, space age, zero gravity feeling @londonfloatation today. Still floating despite the rainy journey back from the docklands. HIGHLY recommended for mums to be…
Read MoreThe girls are back in town! Outtakes from our shoot. I just love being part of a gang 🤘🏻 swipe for more! @yolande_yoga @firsttouchmassage @souladoula65 @mamakalondon @thewellgarden @ritaplattsphoto (at The Well Garden)
Read MoreAll GO with today’s photo shoot for Born Together @thewellgarden ☺️ Babies, bumps and the Born Together gang 🤘🏻 @mamakalondon @souladoula65 @firsttouchmassage @yolande_yoga (at The Well Garden)
Read MoreHaving taught hypnobirthing since 2009 I’ve been privileged to support families as they expand through one, two, three and four children. I’ve had four mums go on to become doulas and seven go on to…
Read MoreThe Universe has been testing me since my last newsletter. I’ve had a couple of requests recently, one from a Dr saying she knew all the antenatal stuff so could I ‘just do the hypnobirthing…
Read MoreWhy I’ve seen Hamlet 6 times this year
I’ve taken time to consider this because i’ve been asked “why?” many times. The looks of confusion started when I went for a third time… the sheer incredulity of more visits got ME curious about why…
Read MoreThere is a wisdom path deep inside your woman’s body.It weaves you ~ back to the first woman that ever wasIt weaves you to your mother and her mother before herIt is a cosmic umbilical…
Read MoreI love the sound of rain on the roof… take a look around my hypnobirthing home @thewellgarden as we get ready for the last class of the last course of the summer 3017. Autumn courses…
Read More“100% agree it was better not to be told about size!”
Little Lola arrived 2 weeks ago and we’re all smitten. Actually, she wasn’t so little at 4.6kg…but we managed a water birth. Not sure I would have tried had I known I was carrying a…
Read MoreLast week’s welcome additions to the world ☺️ welcome please George, Frankie, Carlos and Romy! Link in ☝🏻☝🏻bio☝🏻☝🏻for hypnobirthing bookings #getready #getinformed #getinspired #birthprep #birth #pregnancy #hypnobirthing #hackney #hackneydowns #positivebirth #hypnosis #mindfulness #whyhypnobirthingmatters #antenatal #mumtobe…
Read More“even in a short space of time and not the ideal birth setting still found Hypnobirthing so so useful”
We had an early arrival at the weekend this is Francesca (Frankie) arrived Sat!! After some reduced movement last week and because of the notching condition I’d had throughout the pregnancy, the hospital recommended the…
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