“We only managed to attend one of the five classes before we went in to a surprise early labour! However, what we had learned in even the one session proved vital in what could easily…
Read More“I do think all the calm HypnoBirthing instilled in me while pregnant and the calm birth really helped.”
It’s really lovely to see how the babies are growing and enjoying life. HypnoBirthing is as much for them as you! “Jack is such a great baby he has made it a dream to look…
Read More“After just a few hours of easy labour in the darkness of Sunday morning, he came swimming up into the world with his eyes wide open”
This is our new baby, Marlow Brady ffytche. He was born at home on Sunday 3 March, his due date. Having kicked free of his waters quite dramatically on Saturday morning, he gave us plenty of…
Read MoreFabulous to meet and talk with birth guru, Sheila Kitzinger today!
Read MoreHi Kat Hope you are well. Just wanted to let you know I had a beautiful baby boy called Hamish on Thursday morning weighing 8lbs 9oz! After a false start a day earlier everything went…
Read MoreGeorge – the most famous baby in Hackney at the moment!
Read More“Laboring Under An Illusion: Mass Media Childbirth vs. The Real Thing,” contrasts actual birth footage with the fictionalized commercial version. In over 100 video clips, anthropologist Vicki Elson explores media-generated myths about childbirth. It’s funny,…
Read More“My beautiful partner holding our new-born baby for the first time has to be the most amazing sight I have ever witnessed.”
“Our story is quite an extraordinary one and nothing like our birth-plan but with the help of the hypno-birthing techniques taught by Kat we had a wonderful birth experience.Michelle was heavily overdue and the hospital…
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