“After a very tough first stage I suddenly felt full of energy and confidence for the second stage”
Tilda Nell arrived on July 10th after a long labour. She had been ready to come for some time prior to this; around two weeks before labour started my midwife was amazed how low she…
Read More“I am overawed at the intensity of the birthing experience”
Hello Kat! Just to let you know that we moved 2 weeks ago and Baby Delaney part 2 arrived on Saturday midday. The midwives were very relaxed about arranging the home birth for us. I…
Read MoreThe talking chair is ready…. Friday’s start early…. #counselling #makingchanges (at Stoke Newington)
Read MoreI love hearing comments from folks who have read “Why HypnoBirthing Matters”… Have you? #hypnobirthing #whyhypnobirthingmatters @pinterandmartin
Read More“A huge thank you for all your advice and support which helped us achieve the birth we really wanted.”
Alex and I just wanted to let you know that Indigo Rose arrived safely on Sunday 1st at 10am 🙂 She is gorgeous and we are absolutely besotted. My waters broke just before midnight and…
Read MoreAmazing day Nurturing Pregnancy today @thewellgardenhackney, culminating in tremendous hypnosis segueing with gong to help relax and bond mum and baby. Their faces afterwards said it all really, simply sublime! I LOVED it and now…
Read MoreMaking aromatherapy blends for the goodie bags for our Nurturing Pregnancy Day @thewellgardenhackney on Sunday. Just two places left now, for yoga, midwives, aromatherapy, homeopathy, cranio-sacral therapy, osteopathy, doulas, active birth, HypnoBirthing, mindfulness and gong…
Read MoreAs the trees release the old so too does HypnoBirthing allow you to release old beliefs and fears. This is a wonderful time to get out there and have the process within you mirrored by…
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