“None of the changes to the plan phased me and I think that is a credit to the groundedness you helped instill.”
A big belated thank you for your advice on sweeps. Freya was born on the full moon of Tuesday 16th (3.825kg, 53cm). Though 12 days past her due date she zoomed out when she decided…
Read More“It was intense, but I really felt prepared, calm and confident!”
Hi Kat, Just to let you know that our hypno-baby arrived last Sunday – also known as Alice. Another happy homebirth, which her big brother slept through in the room next door. She’s lovely, and…
Read More“I feel my birth story was a huge initiation into motherhood, with inevitable obstacles and gates I had to pass through along the way. “
Our beautiful son, a little Leo, was born Friday 9th August at 6:28pm in a thunderstorm at 39 weeks. He came to earth like a lightning bolt! It was a wildly magical cosmic experience –…
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