The concept of rooting down to rise up is something intrinsic in most of the yoga sessions I do. Everything starts with a strong base and grows from there. One cannot fly without first being grounded.
This year, more than any other in my life, I’ve discovered that I can get rooted physically and emotionally through yoga, meditation and mindfulness. But I’ve also had a yearning to uncover my ancestral roots, particularly on the maternal side. We call out the paternal every time we say our name, the feminine can get lost.
I’ve known little about my maternal ancestry – we weren’t even 100% sure where my grandmother was born. Now I know she was born in Egypt, her mother was born in Egypt, her mother came from the island of Samos and that treasure trove of ancient culture and wisdom is making sense of my grandmother’s, my mum’s, and my witchy instinct.
Working more with the divine feminine this year one can’t help but get one fired up about the patriarchal society in which we live and the uprising of the feminine that NEEDS to happen. That IS happening. All around us.
Read “Witch”, “Wild Power”, “Rise Sister Rise”, “Women Who Run With The Wolves” as your wake up call…
As Lisa Lister says in “Witch”:
“We grow our roots
Deep roots that provide stability and safety
That provide a bullshit filter to the concepts of competition and comparison of being less than and not enough
Roots that provide the strength to own ALL the parts of you
Strong roots.
Roots that make it harder to be manipulated by advertising and the media.
Roots that make it harder to believe that playing small is career choice.
Roots that make it harder to be mocked, taken advantage of, shamed and blamed.
Fierce roots. Roots that mean you dare to be visible and seen.
Roots that mean you call forward revolution and revelations.
Roots that mean you call out bullshit.
Connected roots”
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