I love teaching hypnobirthing in the diverse borough that is Hackney
I love small groups which allow for real conversation and discussion
It’s what had us learn last night that the placenta is called “mother cake” in Sweden, and that in Ghana they bury it under the family home…
Link in ☝🏻☝🏻bio☝🏻☝🏻for hypnobirthing bookings
#getready #getinformed
#getinspired #birthprep #birth #pregnancy #hypnobirthing #hackney #hackneydowns #positivebirth #hypnosis #mindfulness #whyhypnobirthingmatters #antenatal #mumtobe #takingthehippyoutofhypnobirthing #placenta #birthculture #mothercake
Posted in Uncategorized and tagged antenatal, birth, birthculture, birthprep, getinformed, getinspired, getready, hackney, hackneydowns, hypnobirthing, hypnosis, mindfulness, mothercake, mumtobe, placenta, positivebirth, pregnancy, takingthehippyoutofhypnobirthing, whyhypnobirthingmatters
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