What if you trusted your body and baby completely?
What if you knew that whatever came your way you remain calm and confident?
What if you were able to exalt in the power of your incredible body?
What if you were clear on what matters to you and that remains true, whatever the circumstances of birth?
What if you invested in preparing for this new chapter in your life in the same way you do your career, home or holidays?

There’s one more opportunity to begin your hypnobirthing journey in 2017.

I have a course beginning December 6th; we’ll have two sessions before Christmas, take a break – a chance for you to integrate the discussions and practice throughout the festive season and regroup January 10th and 17th 2018.

Two classes, a break, then two more – my favourite way of sharing this preparation!

Link in ☝🏻☝🏻bio☝🏻☝🏻for hypnobirthing bookings
#getready #getinformed
#getinspired #birthprep #birth #pregnancy #hypnobirthing #hackney #hackneydowns #positivebirth #hypnosis #mindfulness #whyhypnobirthingmatters #antenatal #mumtobe #takingthehippyoutofhypnobirthing

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