“I don’t really get how people do it without hypnobirthing.”

Hey Kat,

Can’t tell you how insanely thankful we are that we did your class. Our little man was born Thursday night after a proper swift 6 hours of intense labour with the first few surges felt in Iceland in chapel market at 4pm and the guy coming out (still fully in the amniotic sac) at 11.18.

We were home till 8ish and spent the whole labour listening to your voice. I never felt fear or anxiety despite it being more intense than I’d imagined. It all just felt part of a process to meet our child. I found the gas a real distraction and spent most of the intense part with my head underwater as it was easier to relax that way. The main pain relief were water and filthy swearing in the end.

I don’t really get how people do it without hypnobirthing. The feeling is so intense that without focusing on relaxation and telling myself constantly that each surge brought my baby closer I don’t know what I would have done.

The other hugely useful thing was to have in the birthplan that I didn’t want to know how dilated I was. Anytime I overheard the midwife talking about progress it was a real distraction and took me out of the moment,

Anyway wanted to send you a huge kiss and let you know how much it meant.


Ps. Here’s the guy, a pretty chunky 4.1kg and  56cm long

Thank you Kat.

Hypnobirthing really helped me too. I was able to see it as a process. To not panic and to be patient with the early phase of labour, despite the contraction timing app I was using constantly saying “go to hospital now” “call an ambulance now”. I was focused on getting Liza to UCH at the right time.

Liza also used the face mask and we scented a handkerchief for the Uber ride which I think also helped her focus.

We kept your podcasts on throughout. I tried to stay in the present and support Liza. This state of mind of focus helped me greatly.

Liza did amazing. She was so focused yet calm despite the waves of immense pain.

Thank you Kat.

X George

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