Taking bookings now for hypnobirthing courses beginning in January @thewellgarden

Hypnobirthing is different from other kinds of antenatal preparation; it’s not just about knowledge transfer. Whereas other antenatal courses are purely informational, hypnobirthing starts there and then goes much further…

Understanding how your body works is important, it’s not that same however as believing it DOES work and that’s one of the reasons we use hypnosis. This kind of brain training takes some time and practice. I’m a firm believer that bringing the philosophy and approach I share with hypnobirthing into every day life can have a profound difference as it makes it easier to call on when you need it for birth.

Exploring your options opens them up. Understanding how your mind and body work together applies to every day life, pregnant or not. This becomes even more important when growing a human being of course but learning how to calm your nervous system and have your brain think more helpfully is relevant to us all.

Book online now and you can get started over the festive season. I’ll send you a copy of my book, “Why Hypnobirthing Matters’ right now and some hypnosis recordings to get you into the swing of things.

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Link in ☝🏻☝🏻bio☝🏻☝🏻for hypnobirthing bookings
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