A birth from both mum and dad’s perspectives…

We did the Hyponobirthing course back in February (wow! I had to look that up, can’t believe it was so long ago) and we had a very healthy big baby boy on 8th June!!
Not only did we love the course, but it helped with our birth soooo much. I throughly enjoyed the opening phase in my birth taking a very long bath with your recordings watching you tube videos of slow mo opening flowers. I felt so calm, I don’t think I’ve ever felt that calm in my life. I could feel all the muscles working in my tummy just as I knew they would. And then listening to the recordings on the bed, I either managed to get a nap or actually went into a trance, honestly, it was amazing.
I can’t remember at what time I felt ready to go to the hospital, but Harry later admitted that he didn’t think I was ready at all I was that calm. Once at the hospital, again the midwife said the same, I was too calm and she doubted I was even over 4cm trying to persuade me to go home and wait a bit longer. Well after I’d insisted on an examination (well it couldn’t hurt now that I was there) I was at 8 cm!!!
The only thing I disagree with that you said in your recordings is that our bodies grow the perfect size babies for us. Well Ru was and still is a big boy. It certainly wasn’t the delivery I had dreamt about but I knew the terms and possibilities, and felt like I was in very safe hands at Homerton. They had a fantastic bedside manner which does absolute wonders for confidence. I ended up having a forcep delivery, with a cut (and a tear) – He came out completely star gazing (despite lots of exercises and swimming – I swear he turned around literally at the last min) at 9 lbs 6!
So I really want to say a huge thank you! Your teachings and recordings are amazing!!!
I’ve included H’s thoughts too, this is his email to all family and friends, it describes the actual birth a bit more from his point of view. I was so pleased H came along to all the classes, I think it helped him so much that he was informed as to what to expect and how to handle it all. I would strongly recommend any partner to go along to your classes as well! However, he did say that the forcep bit terrified him and he would prefer I have a C section if there’s another time. Lets see about that later. –
“So after a big weekend at C’s best friends wedding, Ru started to make his way south.

It wasn’t until a couple of days later that she really start to feel things and although I wasn’t sure she was quite there yet we made our way through the streets of east London, walking very slowly, on a Friday night at 1030pm. C was looking like a rockstar in her floral hooded jumper, sunglasses and headphones (listening to her hypnobirth-ing playlist), whilst I tried not to break her trance carrying the noisiest suitcase ever.
After an examination in the birthing centre it turned out that she was 8cm and ready to go! This took the midwife by huge surprise and we were quickly shown to the birthing pool. I felt like it was all a dream things were moving so fast, almost too fast!
Three and a half hours later in the pool and going through the contractions, C was starting to fall asleep and the contractions were starting to slow. Thankfully the midwife let her have a nap, although it doesn’t last long as we needed to get the contractions going again. After a couple more hours and numerous positions and techniques later it was decided that we should move to the next ward along to “help” get the baby out.
8am and a shift change later, and what felt like Piccadilly Circus walking through the room, C was finally having some strong contractions again aided by syntocinon, but to still no further progression to baby, even though he was doing absolutely fine in there.
10am, and to my relief, C was finally given pain relief, even though it took the doctor three tries to get the epidural in!
Along comes the consultant and pulls Ru out at 11.14am on Saturday 8th July 2019, weighing an eye watering 9lb6oz (4.33kg) and 53cm long.
C is then whipped off to be cared for and essentially put back together whilst I was left with a giant bloody baby who was in complete shock of what has just happened…well I was in complete shock and in awe of C. The rock in my life had just been taken away for surgery leaving me alone with this little pebble!

Ruairidh – (R-oo-a-ree) meaning “red haired king” in Scottish Gaelic.”

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