“although it wasn’t the water birth I had pictured it felt calm and I felt in control of my decisions”

Just to let you know that Reuben arrived into the world on 28th September for the new moon an Jewish new year. I thought I would let you know my birth story.

After a week of being threatened with inductions I agreed to a sweep and had two rounds of acupuncture. I also knew Reuben was in posterior position so I spent the last week of pregnancy going to yoga everyday and doing spinning babies exercises to try and turn him.

My last acupuncture treatment was at 3pm on the 27th...that evening I felt period like pains but nothing major. I woke up at 2.30am to contractions and calmly used my birthing ball whilst using a tens machine and listening to your affirmations. I timed my surges which after an hour were coming every 3 mins for 60-90 seconds.

J called the birthing centre just before 4am and the midwife said I should wait for 3-4 hours as I’m a first time mum. I attempted a bath but the surges were too intense and the water didn’t soothe me as I had hoped. I told J we had to go in despite what the midwife has said on the phone.

The journey to the hospital was very painful and it took a long time to get to the maternity ward. I was unable to get on my back for the examination at which point my waters broke. The midwife then attempted an examination on my side and said that she thought I was 8cm dilated and baby was still posterior. At this point I knew I needed stronger pain relief and had little faith Reuben would turn. I was given an epidural but could still feel my surges.

J was great at advocating for me, showing the midwives my birth plan and requesting that the cannula was on my left hand. I got to 10cm very quickly and the midwives checked whether I still wanted to push on my own or whether I wanted their support. I agreed for guided pushing at this point. The midwives were great in suggesting different positions and despite my epidural I even managed to stand and squat.

After an hour and a half of pushing I could hear the midwives and drs talking and I knew what would be suggested next. I asked for more time and the dr agreed. After another 45 mins of pushing (I couldn’t really get him to move at all with the downward breathing) Reuben moved into a weird position and wasn’t coming out. I agreed to a suction cup delivery as I really didn’t want a c section or forceps. At this point I had had my eyes closed the whole time - I opened them to see a room full of drs and midwives but kept saying my affirmations over in my head to stay calm. The dr was amazing and really helped guide me to pushing Reuben out. He came out in three pushes with the ventouse and was born in perfect condition. Everybody remarked on how well he did and how he showed no signs of distress even when he was in a difficult position and couldn’t get out.

So although it wasn’t the water birth I had pictured it felt calm and I felt in control of my decisions. I was able to decline examinations and was given extra time to push as both myself and Reuben were well.

Thanks so much for all your support and help. I am now listening to the breastfeeding affirmations daily as Reuben has a tongue tie so we have had some difficulties.

Here’s a photo of the little man

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