“It was a magical birth.”

This morning at the Homerton little Connie Hyslop was born.

Despite the rookie error of driving over too early at 2am and being sent back 3am, (in excitingly thick fog!!) we got it right the second time and 4 hours after getting in the birthing pool, Wendy breathed her out at 9:58.

Constance is now having a wee feed before we are discharged and sent home.
Kat – you’d have been so proud of Wendy!

She was a textbook hypnobirth mum. Just the tens then the birthing pool. With really good breathing.

I did my bit with affirmations and soft finger massage early on whilst your recordings were on in the background, but towards the end she needed space and quiet, so I even got a little 2minute snooze between surges here and there about half an hour before Connie was born.

It was even the first physiological third stage delivery for the midwife (who was completely brilliant).

I enjoyed everything about your course and cannot recommend it highly enough (our friends have already signed up). I just remembered my admission in our first season that I was worried I was a faint-risk… Well it very nearly happened at one stage just before admission; and I was able to ground myself with a handy Kleenex soaked in frankincense oil in my back pocket from earlier that day. Thank you. It was a magical birth.

Hope to catch up soon.

James xx

PS Wendy even made three batches of the little almondy cacao balls. They didn’t last long in the fridge these last two weeks; eand then during labour the super pack she made went untouched.

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